ARSC Debit Card


The ARSC does not use credit cards and where possible personal credit cards are not to be used. In order to pay for goods and services that can only be purchased online the use of a Debit Card has been approved. The Regional Services Body of Australia Inc (RSBoA Inc) is the Account Holder of the Debit Card with an individual card issued to the ARSC Treasurer in Treasurer’s name. 

The RSBoA Inc’s current Debit Card is with ‘Wise’. Wise is a money transfer company that provides the transfer service at a low transfer fee with high transparency. Wise is completely regulated in Australia. They also have an Australian Financial Services Licence and are regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).

Guidelines for use of the Debit Card

  • the card number, expiry date and login details for the card are given to those members of the ARSC Administration Committee who are bank account signatories.
  • the Treasurer provides monthly statements to the Administration Committee detailing all transactions made on the Debit Card.
  • deposits into the card account will be made once documentation of expenses/costs have been provided by the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer to the member/s of the Administration Committee who are responsible for approving each payment.
  • the card maintains a balance under $60.00 wherever possible.