Entries by natoday

The Rooms

The rooms   Into the humble and once smoke-filled rooms with rickety chairs and worn-out carpet, I stepped Banners suggesting a flicker of hope draped the walls as my new fellows shuffled in, to seek redemption No one is skipping or dancing yet smiles adorn their faces, maybe a welcome holy grail for this lost […]

NA + H&I = Not Alone

NA + H&I = Not Alone For the great majority of NSW prison inmates with addiction issues, visits by NA members are likely the only encounter with NA and 12-step recovery they will ever have. I felt unqualified for prison H&I, but I had the time and willingness to be of service. What quickly became […]

Getting off the not-so-merry-go-round.

Getting off the Not-So-Merry-Go Round. Daniel R from Brisbane  What was it like? Hi, my name is Daniel and I’m an addict. Before coming to NA, life was a relentless combination of isolation, insanity, and disconnection. I had no trouble ever accepting I was an addict: I knew from a very early age that I […]