Mintes from Bayside GSF 25/6/22
Minutes from Bayside GSF held at Wynnum 25/6/22
Attendees – Gretal, Carma, Kimmy, Syra, Cass, JJ, Nicole.
Facilitator – JJ
Open meeting with Service Prayer
Read Vision for NA Service and Concepts 1-12
Everyone ID and gave a brief reason as to why there were there.
• JJ representing Wynnum as GSR
• Carma representing Wynnum and getting more involved in the NA service body
• Nicole representing Alex Hills Saturday as GSR, has had experience in the old service structure and willing to answer any questions regarding that.
• Kym getting involved in NA service structure
• Gretal representing Victoria point as GSR and stand in for Cleveland GSR Amy.
• Syra representing Monday night Alex Hills, loves new GSF format
• Cassandra from Wynnum glad to be hosting GSF in Wynnum
An agenda was set
• Do we run the GSF as informal or formal?
• Unity day
• Workshop guidelines
• What to do with literature from Nicole
• Fun/Events
Discussion… there are benefits of GSF not holding money, if unity day is going to be big we can ask the LSE for funding. Carma asked about fund flow. The lunchie was mentioned to be going well financially. Prudent reserve was explained. Gretal expressed a desire to not get involved in money matters, JJ thinks we should hold groups financially accountable. Syra felt it is important to tell people how much money the groups have. Cassandra is pro group reports at the GSF.
It was decided a group workshop on the service structure will be held next month before a decision is made about the format of future GSF. Gretal to organize someone from outside the bayside area to speak at it.
Unity day
NA by the Bay- The Spiritual Way
A date has been set 26 November 2022. Venue TBA.
Service positions filled are….. (There are more positions available)
Chair- Gretal
Vice chair- JJ
Treasurer – Nicole
PR/merch- position available
Art- Holly
Entertainment- Steve
Next committee meeting for Unity Day to be held 2/7/22 4pm at Alex Hills
It is important to get behind Unity Day, it is so exciting for our area. Announce at meetings that service positions are available and there is a lot to do, everyone is invited and it’s a great opportunity to share and have fun in recovery.
There are PowerPoint presentations available for use. Important to get members from other areas to speak at workshops and pick topics important to local members, discretion as to topics comes down to members seeking information on topics that they would like to learn about and then planning for that workshop soon, EG next workshop to be in regard to how the GSF will be run and will be in 1 months’ time. Monthly workshops are not deemed viable.
Literature and a stand from Nicole that was taken from a closed meeting has been donated to the bayside area.
Other agenda items carried over to next meeting due to time constraints.
There will be a plastic box that contains information to be passed on to each suburb as it is their turn to hold the GSF. Groups are expected to send a GSR.
Carma- comfortable, informative, safe
Nicole- enjoyed cohesiveness, safe, productive
Kim – girlpower
Syra- loves coming and loves doing service for this GSF
Cas- productive, supports her own recovery, pumped
JJ- felt heard and supported
Next meeting 23rd July noon. Venue TBA.
Meeting closed with Serenity Prayer in the plural.
Minutes taken by Cas.
Thanks for your service!