Logan GSF December 2023

Logan City Groups Service Forum (GSF) Minutes


Meeting opened at 12pm at the hut in the grounds as the venue was rented to another mob.

Round the room introductions


Chair & Minutes: Krissy A.

Peter P Friday AM Group

Callum Beenleigh Friday PM Group

Rob Waterford Wednesday PM (Shelter by Grace) Group


Michael H.


Kellie Tues pm Daisy Hill

Jeff Wed pm Waterford

Items for Discussion:

Old Business:

Unity Day: Report (later) provided by Jeremy. 

Venue has been booked for 9 March 2023 at the Bethania Community Centre. Still sorting out some things in the background. Sam will help with the BBQ. Wayne will shop at Cosgo for the event. Still Free event but 7th Tradition baskets will be passed around. Kris enquired if the monies raised could still be flowed toward putting on the NANA convention. Workgroup will reconvene in January to set some programming for the day.

New Business:

Participants at GSF meeting shown how to check GSF Minutes on their phones.

Group Reports

Monday night Bethania

Not represented & no Report provided.

Tuesday night Daisy Hill

Apology no Report provided.

Wednesday night Waterford (Shelter By Grace)

7th in lieu of rent to Shelter by Grace and literature is bought for the people in the shelter.

Attendance 15-20 people.

Needs support from OCM’s for newcomers.

Thursday night Bethania 

Not represented – No Report provided.

Friday 10 am Springwood 

Topic chosen by members on the day from NA literature.

2 members again.

5 people average attendance.

Cassie Treasurer: Rent paid until the end of November.

Only literature available is NA pamphlets (free)

Peter P opens the venue.

Friday night Beenleigh

Topic meeting & Guest Speaker once a month

Suggested topics from those present – works well.

13 Members.

All service positions filled.

Attendance 30-50

Rent paid until mid February 2024. 

$544.10 in kitty; Shaylee :Treasurer.

Saturday Afternoon Park Ridge 

Not represented & No Report provided.

Sunday 5pm Loganlea

Not represented and no report provided.

End of Reports.


Can Groups Please fund flow excess funds to NA please:

Bank Account Details:

Account Name: NA Northern Australia Service Area

BSB: 034 026

Account: 574497

Description: Meeting Reference 

Given there is a big Convention in the planning for NA in Queensland and Northern Australia – money will be needed to fund this event.

Meetings needing support – please Announce

Waterford Wednesday night ( lots of newcomers)

Friday 10am meeting still only has 2 members and low attendance.

NA Northern Australia (Greater Qld & NT) Area Convention

Committee Meeting Sunday 17 December at 11am at Newfarm Neighbourhood Centre 

967 Brunswick St., Newfarm  – Members interested are welcome to attend.

Share Unity Day information with group members.  Contact point: Jeremy. (Bethania meeting)

Meeting closed with Serenity Prayer.

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