test group report 1
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This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that webservant contributed 21 entries already.
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Hi All, The Monday Night New Farm group is moving to the Neighbourhood Centre at 967 Brunswick St from tonight! Hope to see you there! YILS Bruce G.
Following the recent outbreaks in QLD the government has limited both inside and outside groups to 10 People maximum without a CovidSafe plan. Please contact the Northern Australia Service Board if you need assistance putting together a CovidSafe plan. serviceboard.northernaustralia@na.org.auserviceboard.northernaustralia@na.org.au Please spread the word amongst groups. https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/queensland-records-nine-new-covid-19-cases-six-linked-to-detention-centre-cluster-20200822-p55o9f.html?fbclid=IwAR1ij_Qpz40iWPqPum9Q06Ts1ggfQgcREQIYuKoGlgK-1aA6nFPcqFx0m0s
The phoneline committee are holding a phoneline service induction on the the 25th July for members who wish to be involved in this very rewarding service opportunity. Recommended requirements for members wishing to serve in this capacity are, one year clean, actively working the steps with an NA sponsor and ability to commit to service. […]
We’re conducting a survey in relation to the Greater Queensland and Northern Territory Service Conference (LSC) and your input would be appreciated. Click the link below to start the survey. Thank you for your participation! Begin Survey
Hosted by Tuesday Night – West End Chair – Dave S Minutes – Bruce G Open with the Service Prayer Attendance – Bruce G.(NF Monday), Brad (Lunchies), Eliza (Paddo Sunday), Matty (observing), Peter (observing), Mikaela (SpringHill Tuesday), Adam (Sunday Spiritual Concepts) Cameron J, Dave S (Tuesday Westend) Service Prayer Group Reports – Padddo Sunday (Eliza […]
Account name: NA Northern Australia Service Area BSB: 034 026 Account number: 538015 Reference: meetingReference* * It is suggested you use your meeting details in the transaction reference – Day, location name. The following table provides some guidelines: Meeting name Day Location Reference Rainbow recovery Wednesday New Farm WedNewFarmRainbow Men’s meeting Thursday NewFarm ThuNewFarmMens Lunchies […]
GSF Agenda – Saturday 14/4/18 Hosted by New Farm Monday Night Villiers St Meeting Welcome to new groups and members David S (Tuesday night West End), Tyson A (Saturday night New Farm), Mandy K (Sunday Spiritual Concepts), Brad N (Lunchtime meetings), Jane T (Saturday morning New Farm), Nicole O (Service Board member and Lunchtime meetings), […]