Entries by samih

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 27th November 2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  27/11/2023 Time:  7:00 pm Facilitator:  John C. Minutes: Sami Attendees: Brad; John C; Nathan; Sami; Jason; Nina; Meredith; Michael B; Apologies: Alan; 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 30th October 2023

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  30/10/2023 Time:  7:00 pm Facilitator:  Meredith C; Minutes: Rouz Attendees: Brad N; Brea, Alan P, Nina, Jason T, John C, Michael B Apologies: Nathan; Sami   1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes 25/09/2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  25/09/2023 Time:  7:00 pm Facilitator:  John C; Minutes: Sami Attendees: Brad N; Sami; John C; Eleanor; Brea; Jason T; Apologies: Michael B; Nathan; 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act […]

NA Northern Australia Local Service Conference Minutes held 6th August, 2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 869 1301 6074 Pass code: NA Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81738621543?pwd=aG0xWjhCVXN4YnNuckswYnZNZnA1QT09 Date:  6th August, 2023 Time:  10am Chairperson: Nathan Minutes: Sami Attendees: Nathan (Board Member) Sami (Secretary of Board and Townsville GSF) Brad N. (RCM and Board Member) John C. (PR Hub Co-Ordinator and Board Member) Meredith (H&I Hub Co-Ordinator and Board […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 31/07/2023

Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 4875698440 Passcode 865364 Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date: 10thJuly,2023 Time: 7:00pm Facilitator: Meredith Minutes: Michael Attendees: Meredith;Nate;John;Brad;Rouz;Michael Apologies: Sami 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome-Meredith 1.2. Service prayer-JohnC. God,grantustheknowledgethatwemayactaccordingtoyourdivine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose. Makeusservantsofyour will and grant us abondageofselflessness,thatthismaytrulybeyour work, notours–inorderthatnoaddict,anywhere,needdiefromthe horrors of addiction. 1.3. AcknowledgementofCountry-JohnC. Todaywestandinfootstepsmillenniaold. […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 29/05/202

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:   29th May, 2023 Time:  7 pm Facilitator:  Brad Minutes: Sami Attendees: Brad; Nathan; Meredith; Sami; Michael; Apologies: John C. 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held 24th April 2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  24/4/2023 Time:  7.00 pm Facilitator:  Sami Minutes: Sami Attendees: Nathan; Sami; John C; Brad Apologies: Meredith 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to your divine precepts. Instill in […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 27th March, 2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  27/03/2023 Time:  6:30 pm Facilitator:  Nate Minutes: Sami Attendees: Brad; Nate; John C; Sami, Meredith Apologies: Michael B; 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to your divine precepts. […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 27/2/23

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date:  27th February, 2023 Time:  6:30 pm Facilitator:  John C. Minutes: Sami Attendees: Sami; Nate; Brad; John; Apologies: 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to your divine precepts. Instill […]

NA Northern Australia Service Board minutes 30/01/2023

NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting ID: 487 569 8440 Pass code 865364 Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913016074?pwd=QjVpNFhXektBZUpiTXR3ajU5MFgwUT09 Date: 30th January, 2023 Time: 6:30 pm Facilitator: Brad Minutes: John Attendees: Michael, Meredith Apologies: 1. OPEN 1.1. Chair’s welcome. 1.2. Service prayer: God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to […]