Na Today Blog

NA + H&I = Not Alone

NA + H&I = Not Alone

For the great majority of NSW prison inmates with addiction issues, visits by NA members are likely the only encounter with NA and 12-step recovery they will ever have. I felt unqualified for prison H&I, but I had the time and willingness to be of service. What quickly became evident is that it isn’t about me, my lack of prison experience/hard-man act or tats. I was probably the least likely person to click with inmates – a retired bloody schoolteacher!

Prison visits demonstrate to inmates that just for today someone in NA cares about those who cannot attend meetings. I’m here to listen, encourage and share the NA message of recovery, strength and hope. One career skill I employ is remembering faces and names and it means a lot to inmates to be greeted by name.

Friendship and mutual respect take time to develop, so having a regular gig is important. We look forward to seeing each other. Stories I’ve shared about my troubles (demonstrating that life continues to knock us sideways in recovery) have elicited the guys to ask after my family members with genuine concern and the sharing of their common experiences. The more I get to know the men and recall their circumstances and struggles, the deeper and more meaningful our share.

One comment that meant a lot to me leaving Long Bay was “I liked that you don’t act tough, don’t swear that much and you make the effort to get here (from Katoomba) – thanks!” Almost invariably, the men are respectful, attentive and keen to show themselves and their families that they’re attempting to seek a new way of life without drugs. Our meetings open with a reminder of the 3rd and 12th Traditions. Members warm up with a reading card before they share the ravages of addiction and how they’re doing today. I read something from our literature and do the same. We close with the Serenity prayer.

Sadly, there are precious few NA members authorised to visit prisons. Some remote prisons such as Nowra, Wellington, Glenn Innes and Broken Hill offer scheduled online NA meetings via the Webex or Zoom platforms. Glen Innes Prison has a Zoom meeting on Sunday at 10 am. The minimum clean time of NA members is 1 year, however, a Corrective Services authorisation is not a requirement (if you want to give prison H&I a try). Derek D is known to anyone who looks into H&I service within NA. Liaising with Corrective Services NSW to authorise NA members to visit NSW prisons, Derek’s passion for H&I is infectious (H&I meetings have been running almost continuously since 1983 – 41 years!).

You don’t need prison experience to do prison meetings! We are all qualified to talk about addiction and more importantly, how to get clean and stay clean. Geographical, drug dealing, crime, violence, toxic relationships, swapping one drug or one form of addiction for another and lies, endless lies. Each of us has our own story with its drug-crazed antics, isolation, degradation, and self-obsession. We’re all qualified to talk about addiction and more importantly, how to get clean and stay clean.

One commitment a month can make an enormous difference. Lives can change! As many members have found, the Hospital and Institution (H&I) service is one of the best things we can do for our recovery and quality of life.

Interested in H&I?
The only requirements for NA members to visit NSW prisons are:
● A suggested 5-year gap since your last conviction for your Criminal Record Check.
● Completing an application form and signing a standard conduct agreement.
● Passing an online Security Awareness course, to be completed in your own time.
● Flexibility & commitment to visit during H&I visiting times, which may include weekends.

For more details contact Derek D at 0409363975 or Paul M at 0447603835.

Paul M (Katoomba)


December 2023

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