SWASC Policy Document April 2024


00. Change Log
01. Meetings Procedure
02. Office Bearers
03. Bi–Annual Service Workshop
04. Miscellaneous
05. Job Descriptions
06. Chairperson/Facilitator
07. Secretary
08. Treasurer
09. Regional Committee Member
10. Regional Committee Member Alternate
11. Hospitals and Institutions Representative
12. Public Information Representative
13. Activities Chairperson
14. Policy Chairperson
15. Outreach Chairperson
16. Phone Line Representative

Change Log
Date Previous Document Change Made
28/09/22 July 2022 Proposed Edited 1.9 GSR Quorum requirement to 5 GSRs
Edited 8.5.4 Standard monthly donation to Metro is $350
New Vice Chair Elected
28/10/23 Sep 23 Vice chair & RCM JD regarding bank account
27/01/24 Jan 24 various changes
22/02/24 Feb 24 few items
30/02/24 Feb 24 March 24 1.22
27/04/24 March 24 April 24 1.22, 1.25

Note: To find changes search Previous Document date on the document.

1. Meetings Procedure

1.1. That the SWASC meeting be run according to the document titled “SWASC Monthly Meeting Agenda” annexed and marked with the letter “A”. Online Agenda here
1.2. That the SWASC conducts the ASC back face to face and Hybrid (August 2023).
1.3. Vice Chair added to bank account and RCM , Secretary removed from Bank account.
1.4. The minutes include the names of people who are present at the meeting, people who have sent their apologies, and a record of the vote. For this purpose, name means first name and initial of their surname.
1.5. Nominees for service positions are to give an account of themselves, outlining a history of their recovery, including their clean time, group membership status and the service positions they have held.
1.6. That all office bearers be elected using a confidential method of voting.
1.7. That all members of the SWASC be given an opportunity to ask questions of people nominating as trusted servants.
1.8. All members of the Sydney Western Area may participate in discussions at the ASC.
1.9. That the SWASC have a quorum of five (5) voting members, voting members being GSRs – not office bearers. Office bearers are allowed to vote if they are GSR for a group. Office bearers don’t vote on a proposal if they have put it forward. (Jan 24)
1.10. The SWASC meeting will start at 6 pm, participants should arrive by 5:45pm.
1.11. That all proposals tabled be sent to New business. Unless consensus deems otherwise. (May 2021)
1.12. That all policy proposals that are accepted by SWASC be added to policy with a date reference. (May 2021)
1.13. That SWASC accepted a proposal to extend area business time in 30 min increments past 8:00 pm.
1.14. That the SWASC promptly stops proceedings when someone enters the room when arriving late so they can introduce themselves.
1.15. That all decisions made by the SWASC members fall within the guidelines of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and the 12 Concepts. (May 2021).
1.16. GSRs submit a report (30 words or less) where possible.
1.17. Prudent reserve for SWASC $1000.
1.18. Monthly donation to Metro $350.
1.19. Chair & Vice chair to review the calendar year for long weekend and change the area meeting to week prior to long weekend Sat of the month and advise the area in advance.
1.20. Office bearers seek confirmation from individuals prior to passing on their personal details (email/Phone) to other members.
1.21. Include a list of meetings in the agenda to obtain monthly reports and create attendance lists.(Feb 24)
1.22. Decision making process, when there is a proposal submitted then area do a straw poll immediately, area agreed that we need minimum of 80% of quorum of GSRs to agree on a matter for it to pass, if there is no agreement then we have up to 2 people talk in favour or against and we vote again , this process is followed twice and if area don’t reach 80% then the proposal is removed it could still be discussed in next areas. (March 24) (April 24)
1.23. To be responsible for Making Monthly Payments of the balance over the Prudent Reserve after Expenses to the Regional Area Services Committee.
1.24. Monthly donations from the SWASC to the Sydney Metro Committee of $350.00.
1.25. Whatsapp group to be created and members to be maintained by Chair and Vice Chair for Western area.

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2. Office Bearers

2.1. SWASC defines office bearers as follows: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, RCM, RCM Alternate, H&I Representative, PI Representative, Policy Chairperson, Activities Chairperson, Outreach Chairperson, and the ad hoc chairperson.
2.2. That if an office bearer does not attend two consecutive SWASC meetings without apologies, that the officer in the position should automatically be required to withstand a vote of no confidence to continue in that position.
2.3. That all office bearers read out their job descriptions triennially at the SWASC meeting.
2.4. Prior to an election of a SWASC office bearer position, the relevant job description is read out.
2.5. SWASC office bearers serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same position.
2.6. Nominations for SWASC office bearers are to be called one month prior to the election.
2.7. That SWASC office bearers announce their approaching end of term two months prior or two ASC meetings before the end of that term.
2.8. That SWASC office bearers, be a member of a group from the Sydney Western Area.
2.9. That all office bearers adhere to their job descriptions.
2.10. SWAC Office Bearers to hold only 1 position at SWASC concurrently.
2.11. If a SWAC Office Bearer position is not filled an alternate serving Office Bearer may fulfil the roles duties, while position is still being advertised in meeting and SWAC minutes. This would be a temporary solution.

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3. Bi–Annual Service Workshop

3.1. That the SWASC holds a bi–annual service workshop every March and September prior to the SWASC meeting.
3.2. The Chairperson is responsible for announcing the SWASC Service Workshop two months prior so that it can be discussed during GSR Discussion Time.
3.3. The Chairperson is responsible for keeping a copy of the “Service Workshop Flyer Kit”.

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4. Miscellaneous

4.1. When referring to triennials, the SWASC accepts as normal practice the periods ending the 28th of February, the 30 th of June, and the 31st of October.

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5. Chairperson/Facilitator Job Description (end of term May 24)

5.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Chairperson shall adhere to their job description as
5.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
5.3. Commitment: One Year
5.4. Prerequisite:
5.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
5.4.2. To have knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
5.4.3. To have a good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
5.4.4. Capable of facilitating a meeting with a firm yet understanding hand.
5.5. Job Description.
5.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
5.5.2. Arranges the agenda and chairs the SWASC meeting.
5.5.3. Arranges to have the following booklets available at the GSWASC meeting: A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous The Treasurers Handbook
5.5.4. Co-signatory of the SWASC bank account.
5.5.5. Secures and sets up a monthly meeting venue.
5.5.6. To keep an updated copy of the SWASC mailing list.
5.5.7. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
5.5.8. Announce end of term two months prior.
5.6. In addition to paragraph 2.9 the Chairperson will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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6. Vice Chairperson/Facilitator Job Description (Current Vice Chair Elected June 23)

6.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Vice Chairperson shall adhere to their job description as follows:
6.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
6.3. Commitment: Up to One Year
6.4. Pre-requisite
6.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
6.4.2. To have knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
6.4.3. To have a good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
6.4.4. Capable of conducting a meeting with a firm yet understanding hand.
6.5. Job Description
6.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
6.5.2. In the absence of the Chairperson, shall perform the Chairperson’s duties.
6.5.3. To Co-ordinate and assist subcommittees and have a monthly written report for the area.
6.5.4. In their work with subcommittees the Vice Chair arranges to have a copy of the following booklets at the SWASC and when attending subcommittee meetings: The Hospitals and Institutions Handbook A Guide to Public Information Convention Guidelines Internal Use of NA Intellectual Property
6.5.5. To chair part of the monthly SWASC meeting.
6.5.6. Automatically becomes the Chairperson when the old Chairpersons term ends.
6.5.7. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
6.5.8. Announce end of term two months prior.
6.6. In addition to paragraphs above the Vice Chairperson will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.
6.7. Vice-chair to be on the bank account , added on 28/10/23.

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7. Secretary Job Description (Current Secretary Elected Sep 2023)

7.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Secretary shall adhere to their job description as
7.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
7.3. Commitment: One Year
7.4. Pre-requisite
7.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
7.4.2. Job Description
7.4.3. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
7.4.4. To take accurate notes of the proceedings of the monthly SWASC meeting.
7.4.5. To type and distribute the minutes of the monthly SWASC meeting.
7.4.6. To send copies of the monthly SWASC minutes to: All SWASC committee members Any NA member who may request a copy of the SWASC minutes.
7.4.7. Minutes to be completed within 7 -10 days of an area meeting.
7.4.8. Have 3 copies available at the SWASC meeting.
7.4.9. Keep the mailing list up to date.
7.4.10. Maintain the Roll Call list.
7.4.11. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
7.4.12. Announce end of term two months prior.
7.5. In addition to paragraph the Secretary will also read page 48 of the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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8. Treasurer Job Description (Current Treasurer Elected Apr 2024)

8.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Treasurer shall adhere to their job description as follows:
8.2. Suggested clean time: Five Years
8.3. Commitment: Two Year
8.4. Pre-requisite
8.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
8.4.2. To have basic bookkeeping skills.
8.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
8.5.2. To be responsible for:
8.5.3. Receipting and banking contributions from groups
8.5.4. Monthly donations from the SWASC to the Sydney Metro Committee of $300.00
8.5.5. To attend and present a written monthly report to the GSWASC.
8.5.6. To be a co-signatory on the SWASC bank account.
8.5.7. To pay all SWASC accounts.
8.5.8. To maintain the SWASC prudent reserve of $1,000.
8.5.9. That area holds surplus funds from conventions in the current account.
8.5.10. To present an annual financial report at the July SWASC meeting.
8.5.11. To pass on all records to the new treasurer at the completion of term and assist the new treasurer in learning the position.
8.5.12. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
8.5.13. Announce end of term two months prior.
8.6. In addition to paragraphs above the Treasurer will also use the booklet titled “The Treasurers Handbook”, and pages 49 and 61 of “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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9. Regional Committee Member Job Description (Current RCM elected Sep 2023)

9.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the RCM shall adhere to their job description as follows:
9.2. Suggested clean time: Two Years
9.3. Commitment: Two Years (The first year spent as RCM Alternate)
9.4. Prerequisite
9.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
9.4.2. A willingness and time to serve.
9.4.3. A good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
9.4.4. Knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
9.5. Job Description
9.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
9.5.2. To be a co-signatory of the SWASC bank account. removed 28/10/23.
9.5.3. To attend and present a written monthly report to the SWASC.
9.5.4. To participate in the Sydney Metro (SMSC) and Regional Service Committees, carrying the conscience of the SWASC.
9.5.5. To table one copy of the regional minutes at the SWASC after each RSC.
9.5.6. If the position of Outreach Chair is not filled, you will be required to do XX of the SWASC procedure.
9.5.7. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
9.5.8. Announce end of term two months prior.
9.6. In addition to paragraph 9.1 the RCM will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” (specifically page 50) and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.
9.7. In Addition to paragraph 9.5.3 the Reimbursement of expenses which are incurred in Carrying out the duties of the Regional Committee Member (RCM) outside the Sydney Metropolitan Area are as follows:
9.7.1. The Expenses Must be Pre-Approved by the SWASC.
9.7.2. There must be proof of the expense(s) in the form of a Tax Invoice to claim the expense.
9.7.3. The Expenses that can be claimed must relate to the carrying out of the duties of the RCM.
9.7.4. These include Accommodation, Meals, and transport to and from the venue.
9.7.5. The amount of reimbursement for attending each of the Regional Service Committee (RSC) Meetings is $200.00 per day, limited to $400.00 per Claim.

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10. Regional Committee Member Alternate Job Description (Current Alt-RCM elected Jan 24)

10.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the RCM shall adhere to their job description as follows:
10.2. Suggested clean time: Two Years
10.3. Commitment: Two Years (The second year spent as RCM)
10.4. Pre-requisite
10.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
10.4.2. A willingness and time to serve.
10.4.3. A good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
10.4.4. Knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
10.5. Job Description
10.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
10.5.2. Automatically act as the RCM in the RCM’s absence.
10.5.3. Automatically move into the role of RCM when the RCM’s term ends.
10.5.4. To be a co-signatory of the SWASC bank account. (removed 28/10/23)
10.5.5. To attend and present a written monthly report to the GSWASC.
10.5.6. To participate in the Sydney Metro (SMSC) and Regional Service Committees, carrying the conscience of the SWASC.
10.5.7. To table one copy of the regional minutes at the GSWASC after each RSC if the RCM is unable to attend to this personally.
10.5.8. If the position of Outreach Chair is not filled, you will be required to do XX of the SWASC procedure.
10.5.9. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
10.5.10 Announce end of term two months prior.
10.6. In addition to paragraph 1, the Alternate RCM will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” (specifically page 50) and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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11. Hospitals and Institutions Representative (Vacant)

11.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Hospitals and Institutions Representative shall adhere to their job description as follows:
11.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
11.3. Commitment: One Year
11.4. Pre-requisite
11.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
11.4.2. A willingness and time to serve.
11.5. Job Description
11.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
11.5.2. To attend the Combined Sydney Hospitals and Institutions meeting, carrying the message of the SWASC.
11.5.3. To attend and present a written monthly report to the GSWASC.
11.5.4. To liaise with hospitals, institutions and H&I meetings, Chairpersons in the allocated area.
11.5.5. To ensure the H&I meetings have literature and that expenses are covered to fall in line with our 7th Tradition.
11.5.6. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
11.5.7. Announce end of term two months prior.
11.6. In addition to paragraph 11.1 the H&I Representative will also use the booklet titled “The Hospitals and Institutions Handbook” and pages 51 to 53 of “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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12. Public Information Representative – No longer required

12.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Public Information Representative shall adhere to their job description as follows:
12.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
12.3. Commitment: One Year
12.4. Pre-requisite
12.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
12.4.2. To have a good working knowledge of the twelve Concepts.
12.5. Job Description
12.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
12.5.2. To carry the conscience of the GSWASC to the Sydney Combined Area Public Information Committee (SCAPIC) meeting.
12.5.3. To respond to all requests for information from the public in a timely, professional manner as directed by SCAPIC procedure.
12.5.4. To attend and present a written monthly report to the SWASC.
12.5.5. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
12.5.6. Announce end of term two months prior.
12.6 In addition to paragraph 12.1 the Public Information Representative will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Public Information” and pages 51 to 54 of “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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13. Activities Chairperson (Vacant)

13.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Activities Chairperson shall adhere to their job description as follows:
13.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
13.3. Commitment: One Year
13.4. Pre-requisite
13.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
13.4.2. To have knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
13.4.3. To have a good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
13.4.4. Capable of conducting a meeting with a firm yet understanding hand.
13.5. Job Description
13.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
13.5.2. Arranges the agenda and chairs the SWAAC meeting.
13.5.3. Secures and sets up a monthly meeting venue.
13.5.4. Recruits NA members to form a SWA subcommittee.
13.5.5. To attend and present a written monthly report to the GSWASC.
13.5.6. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
13.5.7. Announce end of term two months prior.
13.6. In addition to paragraph 1 the Activities Chairperson will also use the booklet titled Convention Guidelines” and pages 51, 52 and 55 of “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.
13.7. All proposed activities are to be tabled at the SWASC for discussion.
13.8. The SWASC requires 6 months’ notice from the SWAAC of a proposed convention.
13.9. All funds on hand from SWA activities are to be passed onto the SWASC.

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14. Policy Chairperson (Current Policy Chair Elected May 23)

14.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Policy Chairperson shall adhere to their job description as follows:
14.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
14.3. Commitment: One Year
14.4. Pre-requisite
14.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
14.4.2. A willingness and time to serve.
14.4.3. A good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions, twelve concepts and literature pertaining to SWASC procedure.
14.4.4. Knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
14.5. Job Description
14.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
14.5.2. To attend and present a written monthly report to the GSWASC.
14.5.3. Policy Sub-Committee To present proposals at the monthly SWASC to update, amend or rescind any point of the SWASC procedure when necessary.
14.5.4. To update SWASC Procedure Manuals for SWASC meetings.
14.5.5. To keep an updated list of amendments to the Procedure Manual.
14.5.6. To maintain the area archive and intellectual property
14.5.7. Recruits NA members to form a SWA subcommittee. (Added Jan 24 as per area decision.)
14.5.8. Read job description at the SWASC every triannual.
14.5.9. Announce end of term two months prior.
14.6. In addition to paragraph 1 the Policy Chairperson will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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15. Outreach Chairperson (Vacant)

15.1. For the purpose of paragraph 2.9, the Outreach Chairperson shall adhere to their job description as follows:
15.2. Suggested clean time: One Year
15.3. Commitment: One Year
15.4. Pre-requisite
15.4.1. To be a member of a Sydney Western Area group.
15.4.2. To have knowledge of the SWASC procedure.
15.4.3. A good working knowledge of the twelve steps, twelve traditions and twelve concepts.
15.4.4. Capable of conducting a meeting with a firm yet understanding hand.
15.5. Job Description
15.5.1. To adhere to SWASC procedure.
15.5.2. Arranges the agenda and chairs the committee meeting.
15.5.3. Arranges to have the following booklets available at the GSWA Outreach meeting: Outreach Resource information handbook (WSO catalogue No.3).
15.5.4. Secures and sets up a monthly meeting venue.
15.5.5. To keep an updated copy of the SWASC mailing list.
15.5.6. To visit and deliver the group booklet, meetings lists and the GSWASC minutes to any Sydney Western Area group that has not been represented at the SWASC for three months.
15.5.7. The Outreach Chair should be given a $50 float.
15.5.8. Read Job description at the SWASC every triannual.
15.5.9. Announce end of term two months prior.
15.6. In addition to paragraph 1 the Outreach Chairperson will also use the booklet titled “A Guide to Local Service in Narcotics Anonymous” and other NA literature to assist in conducting their role in accordance with NA concepts and Traditions.

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16. Phone Line Representative  -No longer required due to NA National Phone Line