
Welcome to the official Service Site for the South Australian Area of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) fellowship. This site is dedicated to providing essential resources and support to those trusted servants who play a vital role in carrying out the important service work within NA South Australia.

As trusted servants, you are the backbone of our fellowship, and this Service Site is designed to assist you in fulfilling your service commitments effectively. Here, you will find a wealth of resources and information tailored to the unique needs of the South Australian Area. From guidance on service positions and responsibilities to manuals, handbooks, and best practices, we aim to equip you with the tools necessary to serve the NA community with confidence and success.

We deeply appreciate your dedication and selflessness in serving the NA South Australia fellowship. Together, we can continue to strengthen and support our local NA community, ensuring that individuals battling addiction find the hope, understanding, and recovery they deserve. Thank you for your invaluable service, and welcome to the South Australian Area’s Service Site for trusted servants.

Need Help?

If you find that you cannot stop using drugs, give yourself a break, you are not alone. We have all been where you are and have found freedom from addiction through Narcotics Anonymous. We suggest that you find a meeting and join us on this journey of recovery.

Find someone to talk to or search for meetings.
1300 652 820 
or 0488 811 247
This service works best from an unblocked mobile number as it will SMS you meetings info if you request it.

Search by voice or send an SMS with postcode and state/territory to 0488 811 247 and the service will send you a list of meetings within the next 24 hour period starting with the closest available. (eg 5051 SA)