The same principles that guide physical meetings also apply to online meetings. Fundamentally, behaviour that’s not acceptable in a physical meeting, is not unacceptable in an online meeting. The information outlined below is gathered from a range of virtual fellowship resources and represents some of the hard won experience from members who have served in online/virtual meetings for many years.
There are a range of tools and services listed in the resources below. We are not endorsing or recommending any particular options for groups. We are simply providing information to help groups work out what works best for them.
Our 1st Tradition tells us that ‘Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on NA unity’ and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that all our meetings maintain an atmosphere of recovery. We remind our members that disruptive or abusive behaviour that threatens that unity and the safety of the meeting place will be addressed in as loving and caring a way as possible.
Anonymity Statement:- Tradition 12; Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. Tradition 12 tells us that anonymity is one of the core principles of our program and we would ask that when attending our meetings we all do our best to remember that gossip can be very damaging to our fellowship and individual members.
We recommend that groups consult with the Disruptive Behaviour in Meetings information pamphlet when considering their own virtual meeting place.
Please also take the time to read Revision 3 the Our Virtual Presence IP