Logan GSF Minutes March 2024

Logan City Groups Service Forum (GSF) Minutes  02/03/24

Meeting opened at 12pm at Bethania Community Centre.

Round the room introductions


Chair: Jeff & Waterford Group

Minutes: Krissy A

Raewyn: Tuesday  night Daisy Hill Group

Kellie: Park Ridge Saturday Group

Nick: Thursday night Bethania Group

Peter: Monday Bethania Group

Wayne: Sunday Loganlea Group

Callum: Friday night Beenleigh Group


Items for Discussion:

Old Business:

1. Unity Day: UPDATE: The venue at Winnetts Rd Daisy Hill has been secured for Saturday 13 April 2024. The Registration opens at 8.30am; first meeting at 9.30am and they expect to wrap up around 3pm. $10; $5 concession; newcomers and rehabs for free. Speakers on the 12 Steps and a BBQ lunch included. Some discussion about the recent practise of inviting members to share at the Unity Day and then it will be decided on the day whether to call them to share or not

2. Finances & Fund Flow

Logan Groups decided that they do not want to have an Area Sub Bank Account and want to handle their own money.

Bethania Group – rent is sorted and paid.

Fund Flow of 7th tradition collections has continues to be a focus by groups (to enable funds to be available for the upcoming Area convention). 

Point of Information: Re Fund Flow of 7th collection: each group traditionally holds onto one months running costs (after expenses, such as Rent; Literature etc.) and pass the rest of the 7th onto the Area. 

3. Dogs in Meetings.

Dogs are allowed if they are service dogs and should be wearing a blue jacket. This has been addressed in the meeting that had previous concerns. Any damages will be borne by the Group.

4. Convention News.

Venue is going to be the Old Museum (opposite the RBH). 

4. Bethania venue & Rent

Rent was paid for the previous GSF and the issues addressed in a diplomatic manner with the contra’s new person responsible for the room bookings. As a result the GSF will be meeting at the Winners Rd Daisy Hill venue.

5. Contact List updated.


New Business

1. Venue for GSF – Moved to Winnets Rd, Daisy Hill (small room) Rent will be $10.

2. NA Fundraising event. Upcoming Fundraiser “ NA’s Got Talent” March 23rd from 7.30pm; $10 entry; $5 Concession; Including a “Cake Bake Off” Spring Hill Hall (Meeting venue).. Minutes will be posted on na.org.au under the Northern Australia pages in the GSF section. 

3. Next Meeting Chairperson Nick; Secretary Callum. 1st Saturday of the month.



Monday night Bethania – Peter

Topic Meeting from Basic Text

Attendance varies from 5-15 

Holding $300 and rent to be paid and need literature.

Giving NA books to newcomers.


Tuesday night Daisy Hill – GSR Raewyn.

Meeting attendance 15-20. Solid Home Group Members.

Literature stocks ok.

Finances: $161.98 – $20 Rent due now &  March Rent due $80

$81.90 Prudent Reserve.

No issues.


Wednesday night Waterford (Shelter By Grace) – Jeff

Gong well. 

Always need OCM’s as the people in the shelter are all mostly new to NA.

$140 in Prudent Reserve.


Thursday night Bethania – GSR Nick

Topic Meeting: NA Basic Text (Blue Book) chapters.

Attendance 5-7 people.

Rent weekly sorted with the new booking person at the centre.

Need assistance to order literature FSO – (literature available at meeting).

Holding $504.84


Friday 10 am Springwood – 

No GSR. No Report.


Friday night Beenleigh – GSR Callum

All service positions are filled.

18 Home Group members.

Good atmosphere.

Guest Speaker once a month.

Always a large attendance.

Rent paid till July 2024.

$410 is accounted for group costs, including rent; coffee & biscuits; savings for literature.

Holding $446.70


Saturday Afternoon Park Ridge GSR Kellie

Attendance 15-20 

Group has regular Home Group members.

Literature OK.

No ongoing issues.

March Rent has been paid. Rent has increased to $15 weekly now.

Holding $257.00


Sunday 5pm Loganlea GSR Wayne 

All positions filled.

Homegroup members & service position holders are not showing up regularly.

Literature – full; donated by another NA group.

Rent up to date.

No financial report.

End of Reports.



Can Groups Please fund flow excess funds to NA please:

Bank Account Details:

Account Name: NA Northern Australia Service Area

BSB: 034 026

Account: 574497

Description: Meeting Reference 

The Northern Australia Area Convention planning is well underway; please fund flow as money will be needed to fund this event.

Meetings needing support – please Announce

Waterford Wednesday night ( lots of newcomers)

Friday 10am meeting still only has 2 members and low attendance.

NA’s Got Talent, from 7.30pm March 23rd. Spring Hill Venue. 

Share Unity Day to be Announced at Meetings.  Contact point: Jeremy. (Bethania meeting)

Meeting closed with Serenity Prayer.

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