NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held 25th March 2024

Location:  Virtual Zoom
Meeting ID: 487 569 8440
Pass code 865364
Meeting Link
Date:  25th March 2024
Time:  7:00 pm
Facilitator:  Sami
Minutes: Sami
Attendees: John C; Sami; Cameron; David T; Brad; Jason T; Krissy; Sally B; Rouz; Bob; Joymaree; Nina; Michael B; Meredith; Kerrie

1.1. Chair’s welcome.
1.2. Service prayer:
God, grant us the knowledge that we may serve according to your divine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose, make us servants of your will and grant us a bond of selflessness that this may truly be your work, not ours, so that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.
1.3. Acknowledgement of Country
Today we stand in footsteps millennia old. May we acknowledge the traditional owners whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land, since men and women awoke from the great dream. We honour the presence of these ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose irrepressible spirituality flows through all creation.
1.4. ID of those present
1.5. Apologies.

2.1. RCM
2.1.1. Region was a couple of weekends ago with a lot of forward planning for the next 2 years; Coming up in November is the face to face region meeting on the Gold Coast;
2.1.2. NA’s public liability will not cover a tattoo service at the convention; however, if the member contributing can bring their own insurance, this would cover the Public Liability insurance requirements.
2.1.3. Regional PR Chairperson was approved by the ARSC to be funded to present at the PR Forum in July at the beginning of the Convention

2.2. Treasurer
2.2.1. Reports are posted on the web
2.2.2. Everything is going well, nothing out of the ordinary;
2.2.3. had a meeting regarding finding cashless payment systems with other groups and areas; region has established a committee to help
2.2.4. The board agreed that more sub-accounts be created
2.2.5. Rouz has emailed draft policy and procedure around cashless payments for Michael to review; they will connect to discuss

2.3. H & I Hub
2.3.1. Chermside Mental Health Secure Facility: 2 meetings happening;
2.3.2. RBWH Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service (HADS): going along nicely
2.3.3. Moonyah (Rehab): Rachel is now the co-ordinator for roster this week; Michael has sent her all the documents that he was using; meetings will be increased to 2 a week
2.3.4. Logan House (Lives Lived Well): ticking along
2.3.5. Lives Lived Well (Caboolture; ticking along
2.3.6. Southern Queensland Correctional Centre (Gatton; still going
2.3.7. Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre: roster is very strong; going in every fortnight; Meredith has approached them to take meetings into protection unit which will be done once more women are on the roster
2.3.8. Helana Jones Correctional Centre: still going
2.3.9. Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre: about to gain a new male member for the roster which will take it to 4;
2.3.10. Maryborough Correctional Centre; Bob has been approved to take in meetings; Bob has to chase up about the induction; Meredith to check what the next step is; Kerrie advised that Bundaberg fellowship are interested in doing H&I
2.3.11. Townsville Women’s Correctional Centre inmates are wanting NA meetings; Meredith and Sami to have a discussion;
2.3.12. David raised the issue of people going into correctional on their own; Meredith advised the difficulty of getting people to do H&I service and it was decided at a group conscious decision was that one person was better than none;

2.4. PR
2.4.1. Chris and Dan left the PR forum group; accusations were made against John via email and John responded using facts available to him;
2.4.2. The start time for the PR forum will be 11am; John spoke to Michelle who would like the forum to start earlier; it is possible to start at 10am and John has asked the board if that is ok;
2.4.3. Alex is the Art & Graphic chairperson and john has given him a brief of what to put on the flyers;
2.4.4. John does have the draft PR budget for the convention and he will email it to Sami;
2.4.5. John has an NA member who can do the acknowledgement of country;
2.4.6. John sent a letter co-signed by ** to the Governor who will respond within 8 weeks but there is a Plan B if that falls through;
2.4.7. David may be able to help with a screen;

2.5. Policy Working Group
2.5.1. Policy Workgroup Report
The Policy Workgroup continues to meet every two or three weeks and work our way through all the resources to put together a comprehensive guideline document for review; input and finally groups approval at a LSC.
So far we have compiled and are continuing to review:
• Vision
• Introduction
• GSFs
• LSC’s
– meetings
– participants
– Decision Making
– Elections
– Grievances
– Membership -still going over
– Facilitator/Chairperson – still going over
Our next meeting will be focused on tidying up the tasks and document as well as turning our focus to the LSB.
We are requesting the Board’s input and/ or preferences in writing by 8 April on the following:
• LSC – Elections & voting – do all participants present at the LSC vote for nominees or just the GSR’s?
• Does the Board think there should be one Facilitator or 2 Co-Facilitators at the LSC?
• What term length do the current Board members think would be appropriate in keeping with the spirit of service roles.
This will help the Workgroup to streamline the Guidelines in keeping with the thoughts/ opinions of current trusted servants for our fellowship.

2.6. Website
2.6.1. Nothing to report

2.7. Board enquiries and contacts – email/ mail / etc.
2.7.1. Emails:

From: Re:
Nina-Rae S. Forwarding Complete Tools document
Chair NAC24 Chair Report
Michael B. Financial report
Rouz Forwarding NAWS Publication of Consensus Based Decision Making Basics
Kristine Forwarding Complete Tools for Service System
PR Request for zoom meeting
Jason Grievance Process
Brea C. Grievance Process
H&I Grievance Process
Nina-Rae Policy working group request for zoom meeting
Kristine Grievance process
Kristine Policy working group zoom
Nina Policy workgroup zoom
H&I Grievance process
Cameron W. Grievance process
Jason Grievance process
Nina Grievance process
John C. Grievance process request for zoom meeting
NA (RCM) Guidance for meeting
Chair NAC24 x2 NA Convention 2024
PR Request for zoom meeting
Brad N. NA Convention 2024
Kristine Guidance for meeting
Rouz Policy Workgroup report
PR Joymaree’s details
Courtney Q x 2 Mackay enquiring about using zoom account for meetings
Secretary NAC24 NAC committee meeting agenda 17.3.24
Webservant Rainbow New Farm GSR report 12.3.24
Australia Post x 2 Mail waiting collection
Chair NAC24 Chair report and board updates
Australia Post Mail waiting collection
Kristine Forwarding NAWS email
PR Minutes for Meeting of Board
Australia Post PO Box renewal charges
Secretary NAC24 NAC2024 minutes 17.3.24
H&I Advising may be late for board meeting
NA (RCM) NA 2024 membership survey link
Kristine Policy workgroup report

2.7.2. Mail: letter from correctional centre forwarded to sami

3.1. Logan area are having a Unity Day on 13th April, venue is Uniting Church Hall in Winnetts Road, Daisy Hill; money raised will be going to the area for the convention;
3.2. Brisbane North is having a BBQ on 14th April, same as usual; the GSF thought that they could have buckets to collect funds for the convention; John will organise for that to be put on the website;
3.3. Inner City GSF – asking for more visibility of the ARSC after the convention; they queried about the general activities committee in the old structure and whether that could be resurrected; Kirssy advised that that was something to be bought up at the LSC for the groups to decide;

4. CONVENTION (Chairperson has requested 25-30 minutes to discuss the following)
4.1. NAC24 Chair Report: (see attached)
4.2. NAC24 Working Groups Report: (see attached)
4.3. Support requested from the Board
• Review of NAC24 activities.
• Insurance Query to Region.
• Approval in principal of additional funding of $2,500 in June 2024.
4.4. Questions: to be deferred to next board meeting


Item to be actioned Person Responsible Due Date Status
Follow up Friday night re: fund flow Cameron W. ASAP In progress
Follow up with Townsville and Cairns groups re: fund flow Sami H. ASAP In progress
Follow up with Darwin re: fund flow John C. ASAP Completed
Investigate cashless payment system for the convention Michael ASAP In progress
Update convention guidelines TBA Ongoing
Email questions to be discussed Next board meeting In progress

6.1. No new items


Item to be actioned Person Responsible Due Date Status
Need for a literature coordinator Meredith TBA Ongoing
Recruit more board members Everyone LSC Ongoing
Letters received from correctional facilities to be forwarded on to Sami Brad Next board meeting Ongoing
Moonyah Meeting box to be checked Michael ASAP Ongoing
Send out GSF list for updating Sami ASAP In progress

8.1. Next meeting 29TH April, 2024 at 7pm
8.2. Serenity prayer in the plural:
God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change. The courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.



NA 2024 Chairperson Working Group (Fundraising) Report Template

Working Group Name: Fun Crew Date: 17 Mar 23
• Chairperson Name/s: Melissa M, Monique D

• How many members does your working group have? 12
• Opening balance: $1034.00

• Expenses: $250.00
• Income: 241.77

• Closing Balance: $1036.00

• Amount of Float Top up being requested: $0

• Invoices (if applicable):
o Coles – Catering, part receipts – $131.40 (more to follow)
o Spotlight – decorations for Nas got talent – $86.75

Working Group Activities / Other Comments:
• What successes have you had?
No real successes this month. Nas got talent coming up, other initiatives to come.

• What struggles have you had?
We have unknowingly had some policy/concepts/traditions issues with regards to selling raffle Tix which an OCM told me is not supported by world services.
Also another initiate which we brought up with the committee last month, inviting each group to do a fundraiser, is a contravention of concept 1, being that a group should not be diverted from its primary purpose – to put on meetings.

• What are the upcoming activities or actions your working group have planned?
o March – Na’s got Talent – projected income $700-1000
o April – Drag Bingo – projected income $500
o May – Homegroup Trivia night – projected income $500
o June – Speaker Jam = projected income $500
o July – Art Auction – projected income $1000
o July – NA cookbook – projected income $250

• Is there any support or guidance the Convention Committee can provide your working group?
We would like come clarity on the position surrounding raffles going forward.

• Are there any announcements you would like GSF’s to take back to their Group in relation to your working group?
Get to the NA’s got talent night!!

Proposals from Chairperson and working group:
• Overview of the proposal – see above

• Was this discussed with consensus from all members of the working group? Yes

• How does this contribute to convention? Fundraising and fellowship. The talent night, along with other events planned, will also give sub-committees a chance to work together and test out the team prior to the convention.

What support is required from the convention committee and/or broader area? Catering and Entertainment may be involved in future events.

Next meeting: 6pm 19 March 2024
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 8929 0861
Passcode: 749855

NA 2024 Chairperson Working Group (Subcommittee) Report Template

Working Group Name: Programming Date:16/03/24
Chairperson Name/s: Jess

How many members does your working group have? 9
Opening balance: 0

Expenses: 0
Closing Balance: 0

Amount of Float Top up being requested:

Invoices (if applicable):

Working Group Activities / Other Comments:
What successes have you had? Program Draft Complete

What struggles have you had?

What are the upcoming activities or actions your working group have planned? Organising speakers for Opening/ Closing and Dinosaurs. Confirm program
Is there any support or guidance the Convention Committee can provide your working group? A formal list of all jobs expected of role.
Are there any announcements you would like GSF’s to take back to their Group in relation to your working group? no

Any other comments?

Proposals from Chairperson and working group:
Overview of the proposal PROGRAM DRAFT
Friday – Main Hall Opening Meeting 7pm-9pm. TOPIC: H.O.W – Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness
Main Hall Second Room
9am- 10.15am: Rainbow Recovery “Diversity is our Strength” 9am-10.15am: Step 11 – Guest Speaker / Meditation Meeting
10.30 – 12pm: Women’s Meeting “Topic Unknown” 10.30am – 12pm: Men’s Meeting “Vulnerability in Connection”
1.30pm-2.45pm: Service Workshop 1.30pm- 2.30pm: Cultural Diversity in Recovery
3pm – 4.30pm: Dinosaurs “Topic Unknown”
Main Hall Second Room
9am – 10am: Newcomers: “3rd Tradition” 9am – 10am: “How I came to believe”
10.30-11.45pm: The Steps 1-12 10.30am-11.45pm: Parenting in Recovery
1pm-3pm: CLOSING MEETING – “Living the Program”

Was this discussed with consensus from all members of the working group? YES
Next meeting: 25th March at 7pm via whats app

NA 2024 Chairperson Working Group (Subcommittee) Report Template

Working Group Name: Catering Date: 15.3.2024
Chairperson Name/s: Annabelle

How many members does your working group have? 10 or so
Opening balance: $250

Expenses: $132

Closing Balance: $118

Amount of Float Top up being requested:

Invoices (if applicable): I gave it to Monique (fundraising chair)

Working Group Activities / Other Comments:
What successes have you had? I have purchased most the things for the bake off. Just waiting for coke and coke zero to come on sale to purchase those. Milk and ice will be bought on the day.

What struggles have you had? Still haven’t viewed the venue with Michael so haven’t been able to discuss food for the convention.

What are the upcoming activities or actions your working group have planned? Meeting tomorrow the 16th at 4:30pm to talk about the bake off and who is coming early to help set up and who is doing what role.

Is there any support or guidance the Convention Committee can provide your working group? No.

Are there any announcements you would like GSF’s to take back to their Group in relation to your working group? No.

Any other comments? No.

Proposals from Chairperson and working group:
Overview of the proposal

Was this discussed with consensus from all members of the working group?

How does this contribute to convention?

What support is required from the convention committee and/or broader area?

Arts & Graphics Sub-Committee Report
Date: 17/03/2024
Chairperson: Matt C
Committee Members: 8
No Financials to report this month.
Budget: Using Vista Print as our preferred supplier.
Main Banner. 150×300 cm ——$123.24
122×244 cm ——$89.24
Pull up Banners (for providing info at registration or meetings lists etc)
60×165 cm ——$79.99
88×200 cm ——$99.99
Free shipping on all orders over $75

It would be good to have these paid for and delivered about a month prior to the

The banners will usually be auctioned at the end of the weekend and so hopefully
will return at least the initial investment.

Projector Hire.
We thought it might be good to have the other HOW theme designs projected on a
wall on a continuous loop somewhere in the venue.

Quotes obtained from Supersonic Hire.
3600 Lumen Projector. $79.99/night. —$239.97/weekend
3700 Lumen Projector. $99.99/night. —$299.97/weekend

Roz mentioned that she had a projector that she could lend out for the weekend, if
this is a possibility, it would be greatly appreciated and would save precious $$.

A zoom meeting was held on March 6th, and was attended by 4 members.

The first topic of discussion was that for personal reasons, I will be stepping down
as chair of the Subcommittee. I put forward that Alex F take over the chair
position. This will need to be discussed at this meeting.

I’d like to thank everybody in the subcommittee for their hard work, service and

The PR Subcommittee has chosen a design for the PR invitations and the working
group will be getting on to this in the coming weeks

Matt C

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