
Last Updated on 28 February 2024 by policychair

Created by NA Policy, last modified on July 

Purpose of the ARSC

The purpose of the Australian Regional Service Committee (ARSC) is, in the spirit of our Concepts and Traditions, to encourage growth and unity in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (NA) within the Australian region. This region encompasses the Australian mainland including Tasmania and the territories.

Further, the ARSC functions to assign service boards and committees that will act to fulfil the needs of Areas, Groups, and members within the Australian region.

A Regional Service Committee (RSC) is made up of Regional Committee Members (RCMs) that represent each Area of the Region, Subcommittee Chairs and their Vice Chairs, and the RSC Administration Committee office bearers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary).

When the ARSC meets, it attends to business and facilitates discussion from and between RCMs so that Areas and Groups can best carry the message and therefore fulfil the primary purpose of NA. The RSC serves the common good of the Areas, Groups, and NA members that are within its region.

As a part of the World Service environment of NA, the ARSC provides a forum for RCMs and regional trusted servants so that issues that affect the whole, or a significant part of, the Australian Region may be addressed and acted upon by the collective group conscience at the World Service Conference (WSC). Participation in and support of the World Service Conference are considered to be important contributions toward growth and unity in the NA Fellowship as whole, throughout the world.

ARSC Meeting Agenda

The ARSC Chair prepares the agenda in collaboration with the Administration Committee, at the ARSC Admin meeting that is scheduled prior to the ARSC Meeting.

The agenda is distributed to participants no later than one week before the ARSC Meeting.

New business may be introduced during the ARSC Meeting at the discretion of the Chair. That discretion is open to normal procedural challenge. New business that arises after the close of old business will be held over until the next ARSC Meeting.

Format of the ARSC Meeting


A count of participants is carried out to determine if a quorum exists.

A quorum is defined as 40% of all standing positions of the ARSC, including Subcommittee Chairpersons, and Administration Committee members, and must include a minimum of 5 RCMS (or their alternates) .

In the case of extraordinary circumstances, the ARSC has the right, through Consensus, to suspend the requirement to establish a quorum.

Arrivals and departures during a session are to be made known to the ARSC Vice Chair. The presence of a quorum is to be checked at the beginning of each subsequent session.

Recesses are taken at the discretion of the ARSC Chair.

Opening Prayer

‘God, grant us knowledge that we may serve in accordance with Your Divine precepts, instil in us a sense of Your purpose. Make us servants of your will and grant us a bond of selflessness that this may truly be your work, not ours, in order that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.’

Reading of the 12 Traditions of NA and the 12 Concepts for NA Service

Introduction of ARSC participants


Approval of previous ARSC Meeting minutes

A participant who was present at the previous ARSC Meeting proposes to accept the minutes as distributed by the Secretary. This needs to be seconded by an RCM. Amendments accepted by the ARSC to the previous minutes are noted in the minutes of the current meeting.

Review of action list from previous ARSC and the ARSC Admin meeting prior to the ARSC


Reports are submitted for inclusion in the minutes. ARSC, Area, and Subcommittee reports are to be submitted 7 days prior to the ARSC Meeting, in an agreed electronic format. There is a template available. Only items provided electronically to the Secretary will be included in the ARSC minutes.

Important points such as topics for RCM Discussion (issues and challenges), Area changes such as new meetings and events, and other topics relevant to the ARSC are announced at each ARSC Meeting in the reporting section, rather than reading reports word-for-word.

After each report is presented, participants may ask questions.

Verbal reports or additions to previously provided electronic submissions are usually presented in the following order:

Area reports from RCMs

Sydney Metro Services Committee

ARSC Chair (includes the ARSC Admin Committee report)

ARSC Vice Chair

ARSC Secretary

ARSC Treasurer’s opening report

Regional Delegate (RD)

Alternate Delegate (AD)

Fellowship Service Office (FSO) Management Committee

Subcommittee reports (IT, Policy and Procedures, Indigenous, Public Relations, NA Today, Fellowship Development)

RCM Discussion Time

This is a period of time set aside as a forum for RCMs to bring up any issues they wish to be discussed or that their Area feel they need guidance with. The ARSC is a resource available to Areas; RCMs are encouraged to raise and discuss matters their Areas are having difficulty with. Other issues may arise during reports. Decisions arrived at by the group conscience during this discussion may end up being formalised as motions when new business is discussed.

Subcommittee workshops

One hour is reserved for ARSC Subcommittees to meet, usually on the morning of the second day (Sunday).

Election of new officers – 11.00 am Sunday

Old business

New business

Requests from Fellowship Development (FD) for Area workshops may be discussed here.

Treasurer’s closing report


Next meeting scheduled

Close with Serenity Prayer

Urgent business between ARSC Meetings

Although most business can wait until the next ARSC Meeting, if any urgent business arises that cannot be dealt with by the ARSC, it will become the responsibility of the Administration Committee to resolve.