Last Updated on 28 February 2024 by policychair
‘NA TODAY’ Vice Chairperson
Last updated May 2023
Snapshot of position:
- 2 years clean time.
- Serves a two-year cycle.
- Are considered ARSC participants (in accordance with the Policy and Procedure guidelines).
- Are encouraged to attend ARSC meetings (in accordance with the Policy and Procedure guidelines).
- Shadowing the Chair
- Task share with the Chair
- Relevant skills as per Chair snapshot
- Vice Chair to act as an agent (content gatherer) to garner experience in agent responsibilities
- Are asked to make themselves available to attend an ARSC meeting should their subcommittee chairperson be unavailable to attend.
- Ensures that the [vicechair title] email address is kept active, by logging in and sending an email at least once per month.
*Are not normally funded to attend ARSC meetings unless the Chair is unable to attend.
If you are interested in nominating for this position please fill in an election nomination form and send it to