Change to NA Northern Australia Service Area Bank account details

What is this?

With the change in the legal status of NA in Australia as a charity, there was a need to update the banking details for NANorthernAustraliaSA.

The NANASA Board has facilitated this.  Here’s the post from the treasurer:

What does this mean for my group?

If your group has a bank account (sub account) the updated account details are published below.

You will need to update your bank with the new account details.  For example you will need to update any:

  • direct debits coming out of your group’s account for rent.
  • incoming member Seventh Tradition bank transfers coming into your group’s account.
  • etc.

What does this mean for me as a member?

If you make Seventh Tradition contributions to any of the sub accounts, you should update the account number you make payments to.

What does this mean for me as a Trusted Servant using one of these accounts?

If you are a trusted servant with access to internet banking for one of these accounts, you will need to have this set up again for the new accounts.

Please send your relevant details to the NA Northern Australia Service Area Treasurer (as at the time of publishing this is Michael B).  Alternatively, send a brief email outlining the your need to set up internet banking for the new account; including the relevant details to

Details required are:

  • Name; and
  • Westpac Identification number; and
  • DoB; and
  • Mobile number; and
  • Email address.

Please note:. These details are used only for setting up the internet access and are not retained after the process is complete.

What are the account number changes?

I need more information or I have questions?

If you have any queries relating to this, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the NANASA Board, or send an email enquiry to

Who is on the NANASA board?

There are (as at the date of publishing) eight (8) Board members:

Bonnie S (Brisbane),  Jason T (Brisbane), Matthew P (Darwin), Meredith C (Brisbane), Michael B (Brisbane), Sami H (North Queensland), John C (Brisbane), Brad N (Caboolture).

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