NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 27th March, 2023

Location:  Virtual Zoom
Meeting ID: 487 569 8440
Pass code 865364
Meeting Link
Date:  27/03/2023
Time:  6:30 pm
Facilitator:  Nate
Minutes: Sami
Attendees: Brad; Nate; John C; Sami, Meredith
Apologies: Michael B;

1.1. Chair’s welcome.
1.2. Service prayer:
God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to your divine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose. Make us servants of your will and grant us a bondage of selflessness, that this may truly be your work, not ours – in order that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.
1.3. Acknowledgement of Country
Today we stand in footsteps millennia old. May we acknowledge the traditional owners whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land, since men and women awoke from the great dream. We honour the presence of these ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose irrepressible spirituality flows through all creation.
1.4. ID of those present
1.5. Apologies.

2.1. RCM
2.1.1. Region want the details for the stickers that John arranged for anyone who might want to do the same; Brad will pass on John’s mobile phone number so people can contact him directly; the stickers cost roughly $2 each and are the size of a business card

2.2. Treasurer
2.2.1. Reports are posted on the web
2.2.2. All tasks have been completed; nothing to report

2.3. H & I Hub
2.3.1. Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre require a letter from NA confirming that Meredith is a member and does H&I service; Brad spoke to Sumana and was advised that we could do the letter ourselves; John advised that on the main Australian webpage is some PR resources; Sami to prepare a letter on letterhead and email it to Meredith;
2.3.2. New comer banners have been supplied to all rehabs; Nate to speak to rehab about getting a newcomer banner for their rehab;

2.3.3. Caboolture Mental Health Unit – going well; Wilson’s communication is good and lets John know if the meeting can’t go ahead;
2.3.4. Chermside Mental Health Secure Facility – going well; last meeting had 2 attendees who were very keen to learn about NA and the meeting went well;
2.3.5. RBWH Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service – has a new coordinator named Rachel L;
2.3.6. Moonyah (Rehab)Logan House (Lives Lived Well) – going fine
2.3.7. Lives Lived Well (Caboolture) – Alan has taken over the roster and it is going well;
2.3.8. Online H&I (Monday night Qld and NT rehabs) – has a strong roster attached to it; it is weekly and get 3-4 rehabs joining;
2.3.9. BailSafe – has a full roster and is doing well
2.3.10. Mark Street Residence, New Farm (26 bed boarding house for males and females) – a lot of interest in making it happen but Meredith has not had a response from the boarding house; Meredith to drop in on Wednesday to see if she can get a response
2.3.11. Meredith is still working with Bridget on the online correctional H&I meetings; last email was 12th March; Meredith will follow up shortly

2.4. PR
2.4.1. John emailed area asking who wants stickers and other PR material; hasn’t had a response;
2.4.2. John will post PR packs to Sami and Nate;

2.5. Website / Outreach
2.5.1. Sami to email IT sub-committee through the NA website to get advice on website updates for Northern area;

2.6. Board enquiries and contacts – email/ mail / etc.
2.6.1. Emails:

From: Re:
Aust Post X 8 Mail awaiting collection
Michael B. NANASA ARSC Reporting
Michael B. NANASA Financial documents
Michael B. Townsville Saturday night meeting’s bank account
Meredith Advising will be late for board meeting due to H&I commitment
Alan P. Requesting zoom meeting

2.6.2. Mail: only mail was incorrectly placed in our box (it was for the next box over)
2.6.3. Meredith doesn’t have time to respond to letters from prisoners; Sami and Nate put their hands up to help; letters from male prisoners will go to Nate and letters from female prisoners will go to Sami; Brad will send the two letters he has onto Sami and Nate; Brad and John are also happy to help when needed

2.7. New Items
2.7.1. As of the next board meeting we will start at 7pm
2.7.2. Townsville Unity Weekend will be held on 7th, 8th and 9th of July; a proposal regarding funding will be submitted to the board in due course;


Item to be actioned Person Responsible Due Date Status
Website Update Jason & Sami TBA Ongoing
Need for a literature coordinator Meredith TBA Ongoing
Recruit more board members Everyone TBA Ongoing
Covid restrictions in prisons Meredith Next board meeting In progress
Bailey Henderson Hospital need meetings? Meredith TBA In progress
Encourage fund flow with sub-accounts Michael Next board meeting In progress
Contact Qld Rail re: rotating digital signs John C. TBA Ongoing
Email Chermside Secure Mental Health Facility John C. TBA Ongoing
Email GSR list to board members Sami Next Board meeting Closed

4.1. Next meeting: Monday 24th April, 2023 at 7pm
4.2. Serenity prayer in the plural:
God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change. The courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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