NA Northern Australia Service Board Meeting minutes held on 22nd January, 2024

Location:  Virtual Zoom
Meeting ID: 487 569 8440
Pass code 865364
Meeting Link
Date:  22nd January 2024
Time:  7:00 pm
Facilitator:  Brad
Minutes: Sami
Attendees: John C; Brad; Krissy; Rouz; Sami; Alan P; Nate; Meredith; Michael B; Nina; Jason T.

1.1. Chair’s welcome.
1.2. Service prayer:
God, grant us the knowledge that we may act according to your divine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose, make us servants of your will and grant us a bond of selflessness that this may truly be your work, not ours, so that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.
1.3. Acknowledgement of Country
Today we stand in footsteps millennia old. May we acknowledge the traditional owners whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land, since men and women awoke from the great dream. We honour the presence of these ancestors who reside in the imagination of this land and whose irrepressible spirituality flows through all creation.
1.4. ID of those present
1.5. Apologies.

2.1. RCM
2.1.1. Region was held at the beginning of December;
2.1.2. A discussion was had about electronic cashless systems – called Westpac Air
2.1.3. Brad requested $300 for accommodation in March; Michael advised him to send an email requesting it;

2.2. Treasurer
2.2.1. Reports are posted on the web
2.2.2. December and January 22, 2024
2.2.3. Michael spoke to West End and the men’s meeting about fund flowing which has now been done;
2.2.4. Michael is waiting on a call back from the bank
2.2.5. Sami contacted Cairns, Mackay and Townsville about fund flowing but hasn’t heard anything in response; Michael has been contacted by Cairns and they will be fund flowing shortly
2.2.6. Discussion held about some members having trouble accessing sub-accounts
2.2.7. Michael advised that one of the sub-accounts was overdrawn due to direct debits that were greater than the amount in the account; $50 has been transferred into that account to put it back into the black; Michael is to speak to the treasurer of that group about this matter;
2.2.8. Krissy advised that groups in Logan are holding a large amount and she bought it up at the last GSF; there was a lot of confusion on how to fund flow so hopefully it will happen soon; Krissy will follow it up at the next GSF; Michael will call Krissy to discuss using the sub-account that is there for that area;

2.3. H & I Hub
2.3.1. Chermside Mental Health Secure Facility: now has 2 meetings a week – one is in a secure section the other is in the west wing; one person very keen on NA; facility if very supportive; clean time required is 2 years due to being a secure facility;
2.3.2. RBWH Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service (HADS): Rachel L is the coordinater and has just requested that their literature be updated; Meredith has just put in a big order for H&I; otherwise running smoothly
2.3.3. Moonyah (Rehab): meetings are back on for the year; plenty of men on the roster but need more women; Michael to check and see if they need more literature in the meeting box;
2.3.4. Logan House (Lives Lived Well): running smoothly
2.3.5. Lives Lived Well (Caboolture): running well; new roster coming out in February; Alan to advise Meredith if they require any literature;
2.3.6. Southern Queensland Correctional Centre (Gatton): staff are trying a different system to encourage women to attend meetings; Meredith had 15 women attending the last meeting which was great
2.3.7. Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre: gone from monthly to fortnightly meetings; looking for more women to go on the roster
2.3.8. Helana Jones Correctional Centre: fortnightly meetings, small group but great meeting
2.3.9. Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre: monthly meetings; need more men on the roster;
2.3.10. Maryborough Correctional Centre; AA member contacted Meredith as interest in NA; Meredith has ordered literature for them; Bob B. has put in his form 27 to do H&I there;

2.4. PR
2.4.1. PR efforts have been focused on the PR Introduction meeting for the convention; John will email Sami the proposal to pass onto everyone; have a doctor from the Gold Coast who is prepared to talk at the convention; a meeting will be held to finalise details;

2.5. Website
2.5.1. Nothing to report

2.6. Board enquiries and contacts – email/ mail / etc.
2.6.1. Emails:

From: Re:
Alan P. Contact details for GSF list
Bruce Email address for convention committee
Morning Miracles Flyer for 9-day marathon
John C. Zoom meeting request for PR
Brea C Changes to website re convention
Bruce G. Multi Factor Authentication
Webservant Comment on post on website
Australia Post Mail for collection
PR NA Zoom meeting request
Jason T. Convention themes
John C. Zoom meeting – steps to recovery
Jason T. Convention Policy Guideline
PR NA GSF contact list updates
PR NA Board member’s contact details
Webservant Rainbow GSR report
Webservant New Beginning GSR report
Alan P Zoom meeting request for GSF
PR NA Next board meeting (change of date)
Webservant x 2 Tests
PR NA Convention proposal
H&I NA Convention proposal zoom meeting
Jason T. Convention proposal zoom meeting
Nathan. Minutes for extra-ordinary meeting
Sami H. Convention committee meeting minutes
Sami H. FSO products for conventions
Bruce G. Updated admin address
Sami. H. Upcoming convention committee meeting
H&I NA FSO products for conventions
Webservant Confirmation of change to email
Webservant Test
Michael B. NANASA Finances
Monique D. Zoom meeting request for convention fun committee
Jason T. Apologies for Board meeting
PR NA Zoom meeting link for board meeting

2.6.2. Mail: letter from Telstra – passed onto Michael; account needs to be closed as no longer in use

2.7. New Items
2.7.1. Paying 7th Tradition by electronic funds – a member advised that AA regularly use something that is up and running and working; Michael will speak to the bank about using electronic funds and how we can use it with our type of accounts;
2.7.2. Krissy would like to join the board and do a policy and procedures manual with the help of other board members; John seconded the motion
2.7.3. Brad nominated Rouz to become a board member; Sami seconded the motion
2.7.4. Meredith nominated Nina to become board member; Rouz seconded the motion
2.7.5. Kirssy, Nina and Rouz have formed a workgroup to develop policies for the area

3.1. Sami to send GSF contact list to Krissy for updating;
3.2. GSFs need to be holding group conscious on a regular basis; Krissy spoke about Logan and the group reports that are available on the website;

4.1. We are progressing the securing of the venue as previously discussed. We are simply waiting on the paperwork in order to make payment and secure the venue.
4.2. It is looking like we have a 50% upfront payment
4.3. With the remaining 50% to be paid 14 days after the event.
4.4. At the NAC24 Committee yesterday, a treasurer was nominated and trusted to the position.
4.5. This Committee will now begin the process of obtaining more accurate budgets for each of the sub committees.
4.6. This will help us to come back to the NA NA SA Board with seed fund requirements.
4.7. In addition … for posterity we are in the processes of updating the Proposal document with a Cashflow budget that will provide some confidence around the funding of this event.
4.8. At the NAC24 Committee yesterday, we came to a consensus on the logo we will use for the convention.
4.9. At the NAC24 Committee yesterday, we agreed that we will begin formal announcements in two (2) weeks time – this will give us time to develop the logo; and secure the venue.
4.10. All of the Working Groups are tracking along without any major red flags.
4.11. Minutes of the committee meeting will be issued in due course. Meredith asked if the GSRs can fund raise for the convention; Nina advised that it was okay;


Item to be actioned Person Responsible Due Date Status
Convention committee to finalise booking the venue   ASAP In progress
Follow up Friday night re: fund flow Cameron W. ASAP In progress
Follow up Wednesday night West End meeting and the men’s meeting re: fund flow Michael B. ASAP Completed
Follow up with Townsville and Cairns groups re: fund flow Sami H. ASAP In progress
Follow up with Darwin re: fund flow John C. ASAP In progress
Investigate cashless payment system for the convention Michael ASAP In progress
Update convention guidelines   TBA Ongoing
Email Convention guidelines to Sami Cameron W or Jason ASAP In progress
Sami to email Convention guidelines to board members Same ASAP In progress


Item to be actioned Person Responsible Due Date Status
Need for a literature coordinator Meredith TBA Ongoing
Recruit more board members Everyone LSC Ongoing
Letters received from correctional facilities to be forwarded on to Sami or Nathan Brad Next board meeting Ongoing
Moonyah Meeting box to be checked Michael ASAP Ongoing
Questions re: Insurance  Brad ASAP Closed
Service structure booklet Workgroup TBA Ongoing
Email re: GSF fund flow to area Michael Next Board Meeting Closed
Check with region about financial status` Brad Next board meeting Closed
Send out GSF list for updating Sami ASAP In progress
Update GSF list All board members ASAP Closed
Contacting Bruce in relation to email address Jason ASAP Closed

7.1. Next meeting Monday 26th February 2024 at 7pm
7.2. Serenity prayer in the plural:
God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change. The courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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