NA Today looking for contributors and agents!
Hello Dear Subscribers and Readers!
NA Today seeks to truly represent the Australian Region of Narcotics Anonymous. As such, we seek contributions from every area in Australia. We would love to hear from you.
Our next issue is on the growth of online recovery and we’d love to hear how that forum has helped members, but you don’t have to write on that theme if you can’t relate. We’re looking for any form of experience, strength, and hope.
One of the articles I wrote awhile ago was about my first 30 days in recovery, and we would love to hear from newcomers about this experience. I try to get my sponsees to write a similar article. Everyone who I ever gotten to write any article has said what an edifying experience it has been for their recovery. Articles can be maximum 1000 words, but any size is ok, even a few sentences. Also, if you are artistically inclined, and like to draw, write poetry or song lyrics, or paint, (or anything we haven’t thought of that we can reproduce), send us what you’ve got.
Finally, we’re always looking for people to do some service on behalf of the mag as an NA Agent, who represents the mag in their area and solicit content. For more info, or to submit, email
Yours in Loving Service,
Heath W (NA Today Chair).
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