GQ Service Board Minutes May 2018

Date:                 4th June 2018

Time:                7:32pm 

Facilitator:        Tony

Minutes:           Mus


Attendees:         Nick, PT, Nathanael, JoyMaree, Tony, Cameron, Jenny, Sonia, Brendan,                                             Mustafa, Patrick


Apologies:         Ghemma




  • Meeting Protocol
  • Service Prayer
  • Meeting taker agreed upon


Meeting purpose is to discuss Forward Planning Action plan framework from recent Greater Queensland Local Service Conference


Item 1 – Resolve Email glitches –


Some board members still aren’t receiving board emails, specifically; PT, Nat, Patrick, Tony, and Brendan.

Nick spoke about how he is able to access emails by logging into Microsoft 365 and JoyMaree also stated that she is also doing the same.

JoyMaree noted that they can also be accessed by;

  • going into dropbox
  • click on GQASB 2018
  • click communications document
  • click on first item
  • scroll down to

Tony asked if anyone was able to walk him through the process offline after the Skype meeting.

ACTION: Mus to contact Bruce to investigate why some members still aren’t receiving emails sent to the board and rectify as soon as possible.


Item 2Social Media – Moderated face book group for the purposes of information dissemination


Nat has created a Facebook page and has added members of whom he has contact details of. He is the current moderator and suggested that more moderators are required. Open for feedback / suggestions before opening it up more broadly to NA community. Sonia suggested inviting people instead of adding them to protect anonymity.

ACTION: Jenny to work with Nat to create pin post for page rules / guidelines


Item 3Website-Pinned Banners


Nick noted that Bruce has already created pinned banners on the NA GQ website homepage including instructions on how to use the website, contact GQ Board, and Fund Flow.


Item 4Personal Interaction (between the GQSB and GSF s)


General discussion held around best way to do this and it was agreed that all board members will make an effort to attend their GSFs in their respective areas / geographical regions


Item 5Skype meeting with Board members and GSF representatives every 3 Months & Attendance /invitation to GSF


It was proposed at the recent LSC that this would be opened to GSFs to attend with the first one to be on July 2nd 2018. Some concerns were raised around meeting size and whether or not Skype can allow for enough people to attend eg. all board members and GSF representatives. Maximum Skype attendees is capped at 25.

ACTION: Nat to draft up a blurb to invite GSF members & circulate to board members for input before posting onto Facebook Page. Mus to use same wording for consistency and post to NA GQ Website and also work with PT to circulate an email to GSF members. Sonia, JoyMaree, and other board members to update their respective GSFs in there areas.


Item 6Board Contact List


Discussion held around best approach and it was decided that all Board members who are willing to share their contact details will enter those details into a spreadsheet which will be uploaded onto the website.

ACTION: Brendan will create ‘Contacts’ spreadsheet and upload it into Dropbox for willing Board members to upload contact information into.


Item 7 – GSF Contact List (List Server)


It was agreed that we will start by compiling the information we have on hand and building on that.

ACTION: PT & Cam to work together to create GSF Contact list


Item 8 – Workshops / Learning days / Hyperlinks / Webinars / Videos / How to’s


Michelle has created Hyperlink one pager which Jenny has uploaded onto NA GQ Website pending approval.

Discussion held around ideas for first Tutorial / Webinar / How-to video and it was suggested that we start by creating the first one on how to run a GSF.

ACTION: PT, Tony, Cam, Sonia, Jenny & Nick to regroup offline and look at setting up a separate working group to get this off the ground.


Item 8 – Human Resources / Skill Data Base (Human resources Pool)

ACTION: Nat has NA member profiles / resumes which he will analyse and create a draft database of willing trusted servants skillsets which he will feedback to the board for comment / feedback.



Item 9 – Development a manipulative template (candidate profile) online web form


ACTION: JoyMaree is to have a go at developing the draft web form / template and circulating back to board for comment / feedback.


Item 10LSC Planning


Discussion was held around what would be the best way to go out to groups to generate interest. It was agreed that interested GSFs would need to submit a proposal or EOI addressing the following criteria;

  • Dates
  • Cost
  • Catering
  • Saturday night event


The EOI for bids will be posted on FaceBook, NA GQ Website, word of mouth, GSFs etc.

ACTION: Jenny will create draft criteria and date claimer, and disseminate to board for comment / feedback.


Item 11H&I, Contact List of Panel Leaders


Brendan cuurently has a document / map with H&I panel leaders across Queensland which requires updating. There was also some discussion around language and whther ‘Leaders’ is still the approariate terminology for use. No concensus was agreed regarding language and this will be revisited at a later stage.

ACTION: All board members to email Brendan their respective regions H&I Panel Leaders and Brendan will update map as necessary.


Item 12 – PR & Skill Data Base (Human resource Pool)


General discussion around existing PR resource pool. It was agreed that this will tie into Item 8. It was also noted that Brendan currently has the PR box.



Item 13 Townsville Community Awareness meeting


Patrick provided an update and mentioned that it is still very early in its planning stage. Asked for suggestions as to whether it would be better held on a weekend / weekday and Board members suggested that it would depend on the desired outcome and prospective target audience eg. Parents / family members / AOD workers / frontline staff / consumers / addicts etc. Cam suggested providing Patrick with some helpful PR material from David T.

ACTION: Cam to email Patrick information from David T


Item 14Community Service Announcements on face book and alike


ACTION: Jenny to investigate cost & reach of Google Ad Words & feedback to Board


Item 15 Booking flights early : Joymaree


JoyMaree noted that she has seen special deals online for bookings from Cairns to Brisbane.


Meeting closed:  9pm with Serenity Prayer at

Next Meeting:    7:30pm on 2nd of July 2018


Summary of Actions:


ACTION: Mus to contact Bruce to investigate why some members still aren’t receiving emails sent to the board and rectify as soon as possible.


ACTION: Jenny to work with Nat to create pin post for page rules / guidelines


ACTION: Nat to draft up a blurb to invite GSF members & circulate to board members for input before posting onto Facebook Page. Mus to use same wording for consistency and post to NA GQ Website and also work with PT to circulate an email to GSF members. Sonia, JoyMaree, and other board members to update their respective GSFs in there areas.


ACTION: Brendan will create ‘Contacts’ spreadsheet and upload it into Dropbox for willing Board members to upload contact information into.


ACTION: PT & Cam to work together to create GSF Contact list


ACTION: PT, Tony, Cam, Sonia, Jenny & Nick to regroup offline and look at setting up a separate working group to get this off the ground.


ACTION: Nat has NA member profiles / resumes which he will analyse and create a draft database of willing trusted servants skillsets which he will feedback to the board for comment / feedback.


ACTION: JoyMaree is to have a go at developing the draft web form / template and circulating back to board for comment / feedback.


ACTION: Jenny will create draft criteria and date claimer, and disseminate to board for comment / feedback.


ACTION: All board members to email Brendan their respective regions H&I Panel Leaders and Brendan will update map as necessary.


ACTION: Cam to email Patrick information from David T.


ACTION: Jenny to investigate cost & reach of Google Ad Words & feedback to Board.



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